My Way: Meridian Gaming (CY) LTD’s Chrysothemi Valanidou Thoma shares her management style
The CEO of Meridian Gaming (CY) LTD explains why she makes every effort to be a reliable and trusted leader
07:17 - 29 July 2023

The aim is to come up with community-driven solutions to coastal challenges
07:10 - 29 July 2023
The majority of English-language nurseries can be found in Limassol and Nicosia
07:00 - 29 July 2023
Dr Nikolas P. Mastroyiannopoulos is the Founder and CEO of W11 Ventures
15:31 - 28 July 2023
At the company since its foundation, Theodosiou had previously held the position of Chief Commercial Officer
12:19 - 28 July 2023