Transport and storage turnover value index jumps by 9.7% in Q3
The index for the third quarter of 2023 reached 162,8 units (base year 2015=100), driven by all economic activities
07:54 - 22 November 2023

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos has highlighted the importance of the Cohesion Policy both for Cyprus and the EU
07:41 - 22 November 2023
The Economics Research Centre (ERC) of the University of Cyprus has published its most recent report on the Index
14:22 - 21 November 2023
The event was attended by government dignitaries, members of the local business community, and investors
11:45 - 21 November 2023
Tannousis shared his suggestions during a presentation making up part of Invest Cyprus’ AGM
10:43 - 21 November 2023