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Cyprus “progressing very fast” in improving internet connectivity, Commissioner Ferreira says

Cyprus is “progressing very fast” when it comes to the digital transition, especially when it comes to improving its connectivity, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, has said.

She was speaking in a video posted on X (formerly Twitter)and posted by the Commission’s Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM), regarding the completion of a recent project through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) geared to improve access to broadband services.

“The digital transition in the European Union is still under way with some difference across countries. But signs of convergence are encouraging,” Ferreira underlined.

“With European Union support, Cyprus is progressing very fast, planning to significantly improve its connectivity, both fixed and wireless,” she added.

“Reforms, powered by the Technical Support Instrument, help member states, first of all to unlock digital growth potential, and also to deploy innovative solutions for businesses and for citizens,” the Commissioner pointed out.

The video focuses on the completion, in 2023, of a project that begun in 2021, to support the Broadband Competence Office (BCO) to increase the access of the population to affordable, high quality, and speed broadband services.

As an example, the video presents a project undertaken at Kampos Tsakkistras Elementary School to give better access to students to broadband services. As noted by the school’s teacher, Christiana Christoforou in the video, this is one of the most remote areas in Cyprus, and the smallest school in Cyprus with only four students.

“The upgrade of the school broadband connection to a very high capacity network is very important for us, for our school and also for the village,” Christoforou said.

Deputy Minister for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Nicodemos Damianou, said in the video, explaining the function of the Broadband Competence Office, that “it operates as a single point of reference for public investments, cooperation with private investors and facilitation of administrative procedures for the broadband sector”.

In addition, he said, the TSI “has supported the Deputy Ministry with the preparation of two broadband investment projects included as part of Cyprus’s Recovery and Resilience Plan.”

As noted on a relevant Commission website, according to 2023 Digital Economy and Society Index, Cyprus is still below the EU average in terms of ultrafast broadband coverage, fast broadband uptake, ultrafast broadband uptake, and the broadband price index.

The aim of the programme was to develop the Broadband Competence Office so it can coordinate and provide guidance to broadband project promoters in terms of technology, funding opportunities and administrative or regulatory issues by collecting and distributing the related information.

(Source: CNA)

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