Employment and hours worked up in Q2
Total employment has increased by 1.5% year-on-year, while hours worked have surged 1.3%
09:29 - 08 September 2023
Arrivals in the first seven months of 2023 are up by an annual 27%, while revenue has increased by 30%
08:38 - 08 September 2023
The surge led to a 1.5% increase in total beer deliveries
08:13 - 08 September 2023
The Eurozone has seen a 0.1% growth increase compared with the previous quarter
08:07 - 08 September 2023
Production for the period was 105.9 kboed (thousands of barrels of oil equivalent per day), nearly triple that of H1 …
07:58 - 08 September 2023