EFMD renews quality accreditation of University of Cyprus’ MBA Programme
15:50 - 28 March 2024

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme of the University of Cyprus announced that it has successfully passed its fourth consecutive re-accreditation by the international organisation European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), once again granting it the quality certification that it has held since 2012.
The prestigious EFMD accreditation is one of the most significant international accreditations for the quality of university programmes in the field of business administration.
The accreditation process involved a thorough evaluation of a wide range of aspects of the Program based on rigorous international standards.
This success is essentially another significant achievement for the MBA Programme of the University of Cyprus, confirming the unique educational experience it provides through a modern, flexible, and content-rich curriculum aligned with the best international standards. Accreditations from organisations such as EFMD have substantially contributed to establishing its MBA Programme as one of the best in the wider region for shaping visionary leaders in the constantly changing and challenging international business environment.
It is worth mentioning that the Programme holds an additional international accreditation from AACSB International, the oldest accreditation institution globally, which recognizes institutions and schools focusing on excellence in all areas including teaching, research, programme development, and learning outcomes. Thus, it is the only MBA Programme in the broader Mediterranean region to hold dual accreditation from EFMD and AACSB.
Applications for admission to the MBA Programme for the academic year starting in September 2024 are currently being accepted. Full-time or part-time study options are available in English or Greek language. For more information about the Programme and the scholarship opportunities can contact the following numbers: 22893600, 22893630, or 22894291. Relevant information is also available on the programme's website: https://intro.mba.ucy.ac.cy/ .