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TechIsland to hold first Women in Tech Cyprus meetup

TechIsland IT Ladies is stepping into an exciting future as the Cyprus Chapter of the global Women in Tech movement, arranging the first Women in Tech Cyprus meetup, focused on empowering women in the tech industry and creating a supportive community for growth and mentorship.
At the event, TechIsland’s Head of Operations, Tanya Romanyukha, will discuss the future plans of Women in Tech Cyprus and the opportunities that come with it.

Gala Grigoreva, CMO at Adsterra, will then moderate a mentorship panel discussion with Ance Gricmane, Founder of Emotion Lab, who will talk about her experiences with mentorship; Aikaterini Fotopoulou, HR Manager at GOLDENPAROS TRADING, who will speak on professional growth; and
Katya Solov, Founder of Miranna, who will cover various aspects of mentorship, including its importance in professional development.
After the discussion, attendees will have the chance to network with other professionals, enjoy a glass of prosecco, and some finger food.

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