Pafos Municipality signs contract for study on €5.2m Youth Entrepreneurship Centre
08:45 - 15 January 2025

A service provision contract between the Municipality of Pafos and a study group for the implementation of a project to create a Youth Entrepreneurship and Vocational Training Centre in the city has been signed.
According to a relevant announcement, the project includes the construction of a new building with a total area of approximately 650 sq m, which will accommodate classrooms and conference rooms in the parish of Ayios Theodoros. At the same time, the conservation and restoration of a listed building with an area of 2,274 sq m will be carried out, towards it being converted into shops, offices and a restaurant in the same area.
The project budget amounts to €5,250,000 plus VAT, and includes the preparation of all required studies (basic and detailed), for licensing and construction purposes, up to the issuance of the Certificate of Final Approval and the closing of the Final Account of the Construction Contract. The total fee of the team of designers will be 6.5% of the amount of the contract cost estimate.
The tendering process, evaluation of bids, decision-making and signing of the final contract are expected to be completed by 15 May, 2025, while construction of the project will also begin on 15 May, 2025 and is expected to be completed by 15 May, 2026, the announcement states.
"The Municipality of Pafos continues to invest in upgrading its infrastructure, with the aim of strengthening youth entrepreneurship and promoting vocational training in the municipality, thus contributing to the development of the local community," the announcement concludes.
The contract was signed by the representatives of the study team, Andreas Constantinou and Irine Kleidara, who won first prize in the tender competition. On behalf of the Municipality of Pafos, Mayor Phedon Phedonos, signed the contract.
Kleidara and Phedonos are pictured above.
(Source: InBusinessNews)