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Michaelidou discussed responsible use of AI and modernisation of education in Brussels

Modernisation of the curriculum in order to enhance digital skills and critical thinking, so that, among other aims, students can learn to use artificial intelligence effectively, responsibly and with critical approach, was one of the issues raised by the Minister for Education, Athena Michaelidou, during the first day of the Education, Youth and Sport Council of the EU held in Brussels.

The first day of the meeting, on 13 May, was dedicated to discussing education and youth issues, while the second day on 14 May is scheduled to focus on sport issues.

According to a PIO press release, the Ministers discussed education issues during a working lunch, focusing on the use of artificial intelligence in education, and on the shortage of teachers recorded in some member states.

During the discussion on artificial intelligence, Michaelidou stressed that Cyprus's efforts focus on cultivating skills, introducing AI tools in teaching, and teaching students about the basic principles of these technologies.

"The modernisation of the curricula aims to promote critical thinking, the integration of digital skills, problem solving, creativity and adaptability, so that students can use AI effectively, responsibly and with a critical approach" Education Minister said.

Michaelidou also highlighted the value of exchanging good practices and the importance of strengthening cooperation with educational organisations, universities, research centres and centres of excellence, with the main aim of developing new educational tools and teaching methods.

She also referred to the risks of marginalisation of teachers, and to the emphasis needed to be placed on equal opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence, the protection of personal data and the ethical use of these technologies in education.

Regarding teacher shortages, the Minister said that Cyprus does not face this issue, and informed about the policies implemented in the Cypriot education system that act as a lever to attract and retain teachers in the profession.

Among other things, she referred to the "satisfactory, compared to other countries, teachers' remuneration, which reflects the high demands and responsibilities of teachers, the promotion system, the investment in teachers' professional careers as well as in their professional development", according to the statement.

(Source: CNA)

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