Cyprus President-UNSG discuss support for Gaza and Holguin's mission

Cyprus’ role in the effort to provide humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, as well as the efforts so far of the UN Secretary-General's personal envoy for the Cyprus issue, were discussed between President Nikos Christodoulides and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, according to a written statement by Government Spokesperson Constantinos Letymbiotis.

Letymbiotis notes that, during the meeting in Brussels, after the UN Secretary-General's working lunch with the leaders of the EU member states, President Christodoulides informed Guterres about “Amalthea”, the ongoing initiative of the Republic of Cyprus and about the extended meeting held earlier in the day in Cyprus, in the presence of representatives of 36 states, and of international organisations and NGOs.


According to the Spokesperson, President Christodoulides stressed that the maritime corridor, was a complementary option for providing humanitarian aid and the aim of the Republic of Cyprus was to further strengthen and intensify the humanitarian aid delivery.

President Christodoulides, he notes, said that the role of the UN, and especially of the Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, Sigrid Kaag, was “crucial”, and thanked the Secretary General for supporting the initiative.

Letymbiotis adds that, the UNSG recognised the value and importance of the implementation of the initiative and expressed the UN’s support, as well as for any other channel of humanitarian aid.


He also notes that, President Christodoulides, expressed his satisfaction for the appointment of Maria Angela Holguín as the UNSG’s personal envoy, since this was the first meeting between the President and Guterres since the announcement of her appointment. He reiterated once again the will for sincere and close cooperation with the envoy in the context of her mission, Letymbiotis adds.

The President also underlined that his commitment remained unchanged and undiminished in the effort for the resumption of the negotiations from the point they were interrupted in Crans Montana, while he noted “the constructive attitude” that the Republic of Cyprus continues to demonstrate for the creation of a positive climate that will contribute to the resumption of the negotiations, the Spokesperson said.

He also said that President Christodoulides referred once again to the proposal of the Republic of Cyprus for a more active involvement of the EU and support of the UN's efforts for the resumption of negotiations, “through the achievement of a mutually beneficial state of affairs”.

The President of the Republic expressed the belief that all the concerns of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots could be met at the negotiation table within the agreed framework of a Bizonal Bicommunal Federation, with political equality.

The UN Secretary-General reiterated his commitment to efforts for the resumption of the negotiations and his support for the work and efforts of Holguin, with whom he is in constant communication and is informed of her contacts and meetings, according to the statement.

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