John Georgoulas joins the advisory body of the IMD Business School – Banking Governance Program
11:43 - 19 February 2024

John Georgoulas, Chairman of the Association of Cyprus Electronic Money & Payment Institutions (ACEMPI) and non-executive director of ECOMMBX is participating in the advisory body of the IMD Business School of Banking Administration program that will train and certify bank board members.
According to a relevant announcement, the program is divided into 3 units where real bank cases will be analysed and presented, as well as a simulation of a board in a moment of crisis.
The program directors are Peter Nathaniel , executive in residence IMD and formerly RBS’s Global Chief Risk Officer and Ludo Van der Heyde , Chaired Professor in Corporate Governance at INSEAD .
The remaining members of the advisory body are the following :
- Carlo Costa – Former Governor of the Central Bank of Portugal
- Jean - Pierre Danthine – Former Deputy Governor of the Swiss Central Bank
- Johan de Wit – Executive Vice President of Bank of Beijing (ING)
- Stefan Hohl – Member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
- Marni McManus – Chief Country Officer, Citigroup for Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Monaco
- Wim Mijs – CEO, European Banking Federation
- Nicholas Pictet – Former head and shareholder of Pictet & Cie
More information about the program can be found here:,thought%20leaders%20and%20industry%20professionals.