Marketing Manager Savvas Christodoulou on why Nicosia Mall is full of life every day
Special Feature 07:39 - 16 December 2024

From the first day of its operations, the focus of Nicosia Mall was on building a strong and meaningful relationship with its visitors, regardless of age and origin.
And if there is one thing that can be said with certainty at this moment, it is that, six years later, it has managed to become the No.1 destination for shopping, dining and entertainment, a fact that Nicosia Mall Marketing Manager Savvas Christodoulou acknowledges with great pleasure.
This development is certainly not something that came about by chance. Success relies on the hard work undertaken by all departments to make Nicosia Mall a destination offering a great choice of stores and brands, a functional, clean and welcoming venue.
Nicosia Mall is full of life every day – families with small children, teenagers in groups, older people, regardless of nationality and preferences – as the venue has been created in such a way as to cover every need and every taste.
As Savvas Christodoulou explains, “We are working very systematically to highlight our brand identity as the largest shopping centre in Cyprus, seeking to conduct the most beautiful campaigns, which include many activities, competitions and giveaways, collaborations, hosting of the newest products in the market and much more.”
This year alone, he indicates, Nicosia Mall has opened its doors to 44 organizations involved in increasing awareness, providing information and promoting social issues, technology, sports, art, etc. The mall also runs its own signature projects, such as the open-air cinema in the summer and many others, which have proved extremely popular with visitors and have contributed to the Nicosia Mall success story.
“Something Incredible Every Day”
As the Marketing Manager points out, Nicosia Mall is now decorated all year round, something that children love, especially during the Christmas period when it radically changes its appearance and becomes the ultimate destination for young and old alike. Here, the slogan “Something Incredible Every Day” fits perfectly, as it exactly expresses the Nicosia Mall shopping experience.
This Christmas
This year’s Christmas calendar at Nicosia Mall is so rich and full that, as Savvas Christodoulou says with certainty, young and old will be looking for a reason every day to visit it.
“Among all the projects that we have been running successfully for the 4th year, I would single out the huge Christmas Teddy Bears, which are everywhere in the Nicosia Mall,” he says, noting that, in addition to their presence at Nicosia Mall, together with cooperating stores and partners, this project has so far donated €68,000 to organizations that help children in need.
“This year,” the Marketing Manager adds, “we have included the sale of small teddy bears at our new Gifts Wrapping Station.” And he concludes: “Planning and implementing meaningful projects for society is what gives us the greatest joy and satisfaction as professionals.”
This Special Feature first appeared in the December edition of GOLD magazine. Click here to view it.