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Ask Wire and Trastor REIC announce real estate data partnership

Ask Wire, a leader in real estate data analytics, has announced a strategic partnership with Trastor REIC, a pioneer in the Greek real estate investment market.

“This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both entities as they join forces to bring unparalleled economic and real estate insights to Trastor's operations,” Ask Wire said on its social media.
Pavlos Loizou, CEO of Ask Wire, and Tassos Kazinos, CEO of Trastor, recently signed the agreement to leverage Ask Wire's comprehensive data services.
Ask Wire will provide Trastor with a myriad of real estate data and insights critical for strategic decision-making. This includes macro-level analysis of economic performance, national real estate landscape, detailed regional building activity, financing trends, demographic data, and comprehensive price and rental indices. Furthermore, Ask Wire's Real Estate Dynamics (RED) platform will offer advanced data visualisation and mapping, providing Trastor with an unprecedented level of market understanding.
Through this engagement, Trastor will gain access to Ask Wire's proprietary BI tool, Metabase - BRIX, ensuring data is updated regularly from relevant providers and government departments. The insights provided will empower Trastor to navigate and capitalize on market dynamics effectively, enhancing their investment strategies and operational excellence.
Pavlos Loizou stated: "We are excited to bring our analytical prowess to a forward-thinking company like Trastor. Our comprehensive data suite is designed to illuminate opportunities and navigate challenges in the real estate sector."

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