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TechIsland HR Meetup: How AI is transforming People Management

“AI won’t replace you, but people who use AI will,” - this was the main message at the recent panel discussion within the framework of TechIsland’s recent HR Meetup, titled “AI in HR: Revolutionising People Management”.

Leading tech association TechIsland hosted its first HR Community Meetup of 2024, powered by Quadcode, sparking the conversation on AI's transformative role in human resources. The event took place on January 11, 2024, at the Quadcode Rooftop.


The lineup of esteemed speakers consisted of Michael Gitsis, Chief Financial & Administrative Officer at Quadcode; Polina Lukina, People Analytics and Technology Manager at Exness; and Konstantin Grusha, Delivery Manager at DataArt. The panel discussion was moderated by Yana Legkaya, Director of People Operations at Prodly and TechIsland HR Community Lead.

The panel delved into the multifaceted evolution of HR processes through the utilization of AI tools and key regulatory and ethical considerations. Some interesting insights included:

● Mastering AI tools and writing effective prompts is essential to remain relevant professionally in the AI era.

● AI won't replace people, but those adept at using AI will.

● Human’s competitive edge in an AI-dominated landscape is emotional intelligence and the expertise to review, edit and enhance AI-generated work.

● Companies should encourage the adoption of AI tools by potential candidates, viewing it not as a shortcut, but as a skill to be harnessed.

● Upcoming trends in AI for HR, include the development of assistants for visual interviews and behavior analysis.

● The recent “EU AI Act” is expected to create regional disparities in AI regulation and adoption.

● It is important to align AI usage with company culture and ensure legal compliance and transparency in leveraging AI for productivity enhancement.


During her welcoming note, Tanya Romanyukha, Head of Operations at TechIsland, mentioned “A huge thank you to our amazing partners and, the hosts of this wonderful evening – Quadcode and their dynamic team. The response to today's event has been nothing short of overwhelming, and we are excited to bring the local HR community together and share expert insights on a crucial topic that will redefine the way we work and do business.”

Known for technologically advanced solutions, fintech company Quadcode (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook) employs 700 employees and service providers in 7 offices around the world – the UK, Gibraltar, the UAE, the Bahamas, Australia, and the headquarters in Cyprus. Quadcode has been an early adopter in incorporating AI in its daily operations as CFAO, Michael Gitsis shared during the panel.

Gitsis also mentioned “AI in HR isn't just a trend; it's a transformative force. We must harness it responsibly to elevate our human capital. It’s about adapting to change while maintaining our core human values. In the near future, integrating AI into our work will feel just as natural as relying on a calculator. Companies must fully embrace the technological advancements in AI to maintain their competitiveness and relevance. Following the introduction of AI, HR professionals should prioritise the development of skills centred around emotional intelligence, effective communication, and maintaining a human-centric approach."

TechIsland is committed to fostering a thriving tech environment in Cyprus. This event is a testament to the Organisation’s dedication to providing education, networking opportunities, and guiding its members in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Tech companies interested in joining TechIsland can find details and application form here:

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