Extended "Park & Ride" service hours announced and implemented

The Cyprus Public Transport has announced its extended hours for the "Park & Ride" service.

In a press release, it says that after the very encouraging response of the public during the first days of operation of the “Park & Ride” service and responding to the need to extend the hours of operation of the service, in order to serve even more passengers, announces that from today Monday,18 September, 2023, the extended hours of the “Park & Ride” service are in effect.

The service will operate from Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 6pm and will transport passengers with the same frequent and regular routes from GSP Stadium to the centre of Nicosia and vice versa.

There will be a total of 39 routes and the departure times from GSP Stadium are modified as follows: 6:30, 6:45, 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:20, 9:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:40, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40, 12:00, 12:20, 12:40, 13:00, 13:20, 13:40, 13:52, 14:04, 14:16, 14:28, 14:40, 14:52, 15:04, 15:16, 15:28, 15:40, 16:00, 16:40, 17:15, 18:00.

"We thank you for the trust you have shown us and we assure you that we will continue, with the same zeal, to serve you by constantly upgrading our services and offering additional new ones in order to make your commute as comfortable and productive as possible. Together we can make a difference, we can reduce our footprint and move to a greener and cleaner environment", it adds.

Visit publictransport.com.cy for more information regarding the extended timetable and route stops.

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