Cyprus Parliament to host seminar on EU economic governance issues
14:26 - 07 June 2023

Cyprus’ House of Representatives and the Control Unit of the Economic Governance and the Economic and Monetary Union (EGOV) of the European Parliament are co-organising a seminar, on 8 and 9 June, with the participation of delegates from 20 national parliaments of EU member states and the European Parliament.
The seminar aims to share best practices and expertise at administrative level on European Semester issues, as well as wider EU economic governance issues.
Director General of the Parliament Tasoula Ieronimidou and the Head of the EGOV Unit of the EP Kajus Hagelstam will address the opening session.
There are three thematic sessions on the agenda which include current challenges and the progress achieved in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans, in the light of the integration of the "REPowerEU" Plan, the economic impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and European Commission's legislative proposals regarding the ongoing reform of the EU economic governance framework.
Keynote speakers include top officials from the Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission DG, the European Court of Auditors, the Directorate of Recovery and Resilience of the DG Development of the Cyprus Ministry of Finance, officials from the Energy Ministry and the Cyprus and European Fiscal Councils.
(Source: CNA)