KPMG in Cyprus hosted the webinar “IRRBB in the spotlight”
07:47 - 06 April 2023

On 5 April 2023, KPMG in Cyprus hosted the webinar “IRRBB in the spotlight” which included discussions on IRRBB management in Banks, with reference to new standards and guidelines as well as the recent changes in the interest rate environment and the observed market challenges.
Colleagues from KPMG in Cyprus and KPMG in Germany shared their expertise on the topic. Attendees of the webinar included risk managers and finance representatives from the Cyprus banking sector.
On behalf of KPMG in Cyprus, Eleni Neocleous, Board Member, Risk and Regulatory, Risk Consulting, commented: “Following consecutive hikes in interest rates in US and Europe, and forthcoming changes in regulatory reporting through revised EBA guidelines, interest rate risk in the banking book poses new challenges to the banking sector. The new guidelines can be seized as an opportunity for banks to holistically review their procedures for measurement, management, monitoring and reporting of IRRBB”.