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Tax For All: Account activation process has begun for VAT payers

The Tax Department has announced the start of the process for activating an account in the new Tax For All (TFA) system which, at this stage, involves only individuals who are obligated to pay Value Added Tax (VAT).

A Department announcement said that new system’s implementation had begun on 27 March and that the persons affected in the first stage of the implementation of the project will gradually receive an electronic message to the declared e-mail for their TAXISnet VAT account.

The sending of the emails has begun and is expected to be completed by 6 April 6.

Anyone who has not received an email by 6 April but who needs to connect to the service can contact the Tax Department after then to activate their account.

On the website of the Tax Department ( under the TFA icon, useful information material has been posted, currently only in Greek, both on the functions of the new TFA system (instructions/videos, etc.), as well as Instructions for Account Activation (TFA → Update → Information).

Alternatively, interested parties may contact the Tax Department through the TFA service center by calling 17700 (for local calls) and +357 22803803 (for international calls).

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